
Standard Gain Horn Antenna: Understand Its Working Principle and Application Areas

The standard gain horn antenna is a commonly used directional antenna, consisting of a transmitting element and a receiving element. Its design goal is to increase the gain of the antenna, that is, to concentrate radio frequency energy in a specific direction. Generally speaking, standard gain horn antennas use round or square parabolic antenna elements. The reflective surface of the parabolic antenna can reflect the RF signal directed at it to a focal point. At the focal point, a receiving element is placed, usually a folded helical antenna or feed antenna, which is responsible for converting radio frequency energy into electrical signals or converting electrical signals into radio frequency energy.

The advantages of standard gain horn antennas include:

• High gain
Through the design of parabolic reflection and focus receiving elements, horn antennas can achieve high gains. This makes it useful in scenarios where signals need to be transmitted over long distances or to cover large areas.

The standard gain horn antenna is a directional antenna that can focus radio frequency energy in a specific direction and reduce the loss of signals in other directions. This makes it excellent in applications such as point-to-point communications, radio positioning and remote monitoring.

• Strong anti-interference
Due to its specific directionality, the standard gain horn antenna has strong ability to suppress interference signals from other directions. This helps improve signal transmission quality and reduce the impact of interference on the communication system.

They are commonly used in the following applications:

• Radio Broadcasting
Standard gain horn antennas are used in broadcast stations to boost and transmit electrical signals in specific directions to provide better signal coverage.

• Wireless communication system
In mobile communication and satellite communication systems, standard gain horn antennas can be used as base station antennas or receiving antennas to enhance signal transmission quality and coverage.

• Radar system
Standard gain horn antenna is commonly used in radar systems, which can radiate and receive radar signals concentratedly, improving the sensitivity and detection range of the radar system.

•Wireless LAN
In wireless network systems, standard gain horn antennas can be used in wireless routers or base stations to provide longer signal transmission distance and better coverage.

Standard Gain Horn Antenna series product introduction:

RM-SGHA28-10,26.5-40 GHz

RM-SGHA34-10,21.7-33 GHz

RM-SGHA42-10,17.6-26.7 GHz

RM-SGHA51-15,14.5-22 GHz

RM-SGHA284-20,2.60-3.95 GHz


Post time: Oct-26-2023

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