
Industry News

  • Grid Antenna Array

    Grid Antenna Array

    In order to adapt to the antenna angle requirements of the new product and share the previous generation PCB sheet mold, the following antenna layout can be used to achieve antenna gain of 14dBi@77GHz and radiation performance of 3dB_E/H_Beamwidth=40°. Using Rogers 4830 ...
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  • RFMISO Cassegrain Antenna Products

    RFMISO Cassegrain Antenna Products

    Cassegrain antenna's characteristic is to use back feed formeffectively reduces the wastage of the feeder system. For antennasystem with more complex feeder system,adopt cassegrainantenna that can effectively reduce the shade of feeder. Ourcassegrain antenna frequency co...
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  • Energy conversion in radar antennas

    Energy conversion in radar antennas

    In microwave circuits or systems, the entire circuit or system is often composed of many basic microwave devices such as filters, couplers, power dividers, etc. It is hoped that through these devices, it is possible to efficiently transmit signal power from one point to ...
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  • Waveguide matching

    Waveguide matching

    How to achieve impedance matching of waveguides? From the transmission line theory in microstrip antenna theory, we know that appropriate series or parallel transmission lines can be selected to achieve impedance matching between transmission lines or between transmissio...
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  • Trihedral Corner Reflector: Improved Reflection and Transmission of Communication Signals

    Trihedral Corner Reflector: Improved Reflection and Transmission of Communication Signals

    A trihedral reflector, also known as a corner reflector or triangular reflector, is a passively target device commonly used in antennas and radar systems. It consists of three planar reflectors forming a closed triangular structure. When an electromagnetic wave hits a tr...
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  • Effective aperture of antenna

    Effective aperture of antenna

    A useful parameter calculating the receive power of an antenna is the effective area or effective aperture. Assume that a plane wave with the same polarization as the receive antenna is incident upon the antenna. Further assume that the wave is travelling towards the ant...
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  • Slotted Waveguide Antennas – Design Principles

    Slotted Waveguide Antennas – Design Principles

    Figure 1 shows a common slotted waveguide diagram, which has a long and narrow waveguide structure with a slot in the middle. This slot can be used to transmit electromagnetic waves. figure 1. Geometry of the most common slotted wavegu...
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  • Antenna Measurements

    Antenna Measurements

    Antenna measurement is the process of quantitatively evaluating and analyzing antenna performance and characteristics. By using special test equipment and measurement methods, we measure the gain, radiation pattern, standing wave ratio, frequency response and other param...
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  • The working principle and advantages of logarithmic periodic antennas

    The working principle and advantages of logarithmic periodic antennas

    The log-periodic antenna is a wide-band antenna whose working principle is based on resonance and log-periodic structure. This article will also introduce you to log-periodic antennas from three aspects: the history, working principle and advantages of log-periodic anten...
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  • Common types of antenna connectors and their characteristics

    Common types of antenna connectors and their characteristics

    The antenna connector is an electronic connector used to connect radio frequency equipment and cables. Its main function is to transmit high-frequency signals. The connector has excellent impedance matching characteristics, which ensures that signal reflection and loss a...
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  • Polarization of plane waves

    Polarization of plane waves

    Polarization is one of the basic characteristics of antennas. We first need to understand the polarization of plane waves. We can then discuss the main types of antenna polarization. linear polarization We will begin to understand the polarization o...
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  • Understand the working principles and applications of waveguide to coaxial converters

    Understand the working principles and applications of waveguide to coaxial converters

    A coaxial adapter waveguide is a device used to connect different types of waveguide transmission lines. It allows conversion between coaxial cables and waveguides for signal transmission and connection in different wireless communication systems, radar systems, microwav...
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