Log Periodic Antenna 6dBi Typ. Gain, 0.03-3GHz Frequency Range RM-LPA0033-6
RF MISO’s Model RM-LPA0033-6 is log periodic antenna that operates from 0.03 to 3 GHz, The antenna offers 6dBi typical gain. The antenna VSWR is less than 2:1. The antenna RF ports are N-Female connector. The antenna can be widely used in EMI detection, orientation, reconnaissance, antenna gain and pattern measurement and other application fields.
Planar Spiral Antenna 2 dBi Typ. Gain, 18-40 GHz Frequency Range RM-PSA1840-2
RF MISO’s Model RM-PSA1840-2 is a right-handed circularly planar spiral antenna that operates from 18 to 40GHz. It designed for EMC, reconnaissance, orientation, remote sensing, and flush mounted vehicle applications. These helical antennas can be used as separate antenna components or as feeders for reflector satellite antennas.
Broadband Dual Polarized Horn Antenna 10dBi Typ.Gain, 0.4-6 GHz Frequency Range RM-BDPHA046-10
The RM-BDPHA046-10 is a full-band, dual-polarized horn antenna assembly that operates in the frequency range of 0.4 to 6 GHz. The antenna offers a typical gain of 10 dBi and low VSWR 1.35:1. The antenna can be widely used in EMI detection, orientation, reconnaissance, antenna gain and pattern measurement and other application fields.
Broadband Dual Polarized Horn Antenna 11 dBi Typ. Gain, 0.4-6 GHz Frequency Range RM-BDPHA046-11
RF MISO’s Model RM-BDPHA046-11 is a dual polarized horn antenna that operates from 0.4 to 6 GHz, The antenna offers 11 dBi typical gain. The antenna VSWR is typical 1.5:1. The antenna RF ports are SMA-Female connector. The antenna can be widely used in EMI detection, orientation, reconnaissance, antenna gain and pattern measurement and other application fields.
Standard Gain Horn Antenna 20dBi Typ. Gain, 3.95-5.85 GHz Frequency Range RM-SGHA187-20
RF MISO’s Model RM-SGHA187-20 is a linear polarized standard gain horn antenna that operates from 3.95 to 5.85 GHz. The antenna offers a typical gain of 20 dBi and low VSWR 1.3:1. The antenna has a typical 3dB beamwidth of 32 degrees on the E plane and 31 degrees on H plane. This antenna has flange input and coaxial input for customers to rotate. Antenna mounting brackets include ordinary L-type mounting bracket and rotating L-type bracket
In Stock: 5 Pieces
Standard Gain Horn Antenna 15dBi Typ. Gain, 1.70-2.60 GHz Frequency Range RM-SGHA430-15
RF MISO’s Model RM-SGHA430-15 is a linear polarized standard gain horn antenna that operates from 1.70 to 2.60 GHz. The antenna offers a typical gain of 15 dBi and low VSWR 1.3:1. The antenna has a typical 3dB beamwidth of 32 degrees on the E plane and 31 degrees on H plane. This antenna has flange input and coaxial input for customers to rotate. Antenna mounting brackets include ordinary L-type mounting bracket and rotating L-type bracket①
In Stock: 5 Pieces
Dual circular polarization probe 10dBi Typ.Gain, 27-31GHz Frequency Range RM-DCWPA2731-10
Specifications RM-DCWPA2731-10 Item Specification Units Frequency Range 27-31 GHz Gain 10 Typ. dBi VSWR <1.3 Polarization Dual Circular Cross Polarization 37 Typ. dB Port Isolation 39 Typ. dB AR <0.6 3dB Beamwidth-E Plane 59 Typ. ° 3dB Beamwidth-H Plane 58 Typ. ° Connector SMA-F Size(L*W*H) 103.7*85.1*27.4(±5) mm Weight 0.026 Kg Body... -
Dual circular polarization probe 10dBi Typ.Gain, 17-22GHz Frequency Range RM-DCWPA1722-10
Specifications RM-DCWPA1722-10 Item Specification Units Frequency Range 17-22 GHz Gain 10 Typ. dBi VSWR <1.3 Polarization Dual Circular Cross Polarization 40 Typ. dB Port Isolation 27 Typ. dB AR <0.75 dB 3dB Beamwidth-E Plane 61 Typ. ° 3dB Beamwidth-H Plane 61 Typ. ° Connector SMA-F Size(L*W*H) 121.6*93.6*30.8 mm Weight 0.058 Kg Body Mate... -
Broadband Dual Polarized Horn Antenna 15 dBi Typ. Gain, 18-54 GHz Frequency Range RM-BDPHA1854-15
RF MISO’s Model RM-BDPHA1854-15 is a dual polarized horn antenna that operates from 18 to 40 GHz, The antenna offers 15dBi typical gain. The antenna VSWR is typical 1.5:1. The antenna RF ports are 2.4mm-KFD connector. The antenna can be widely used in EMI detection, orientation, reconnaissance, antenna gain and pattern measurement and other application fields.
In Stock: 5 Pieces
Log Spiral Antenna 3.6dBi Typ. Gain, 1-12 GHz Frequency Range RM-LSA112-4
Specifications RM-LSA112-4 Parameters Typical Units Frequency Range 1-12 GHz Impedance 50ohms Gain 3.6 Typ. dBi VSWR 1.8 Typ. Polarization RH circular Axial Ratio <2 dB Size Φ167*237 mm Deviation from omni ±4dB 1GHz Beamwidth 3dB E plane: 99° H plane: 100.3° 4GHz Beamwidth 3dB E plane: 91.2° H plane: 98.2° 7GHz Beamwidth 3dB E plane: 122.4° H plan... -
Specifications RM-PA17731B Parameters Indicator requirements Unit Frequency Range Transmission:27.5-31.0 Reception:17.7-21.2 GHz Polarization Circular(orthogona1-po1) Gain Transmission : ≥ 40.0dBi+20log(f/29.25GHz) Receiving : ≥ 36.5dBi+20log(f/19.45GHz) dB Axle ratio ≤1.5 VSWR ≤1.75 Port isolation ≥55 dB Antenna Surface Thickness 20-25 mm Weight ≤ 3.0 Kg Surface Size 430×290(±5) mm -
Standard Gain Horn Antenna 25dBi Typ. Gain, 50-75 GHz Frequency Range RM-SGHA15-25
RF MISO’s Model RM-SGHA15-25 is a linear polarized standard gain horn antenna that operates from 50 to 75 GHz. The antenna offers a typical gain of 25 dBi and low VSWR 1.1:1. This antenna has flange input and coaxial input for customers to rotate.